, 50(5),

حل كتاب الانجليزي حلول ثاني متوسط Super Goal 3 WorkBook


1. It contained transfats, which were worse than the saturated
fat in butter.
2. They are a good source of protein.
3. It reduces the bad cholesterol and helps to lower
blood pressure.
4. You should eat one square from a bar a day.
5. Olive oil increases the good cholesterol and helps
to eliminate the bad cholesterol.
6. They cannot tolerate the lactose in cow’s milk.
1- your nose is blocked; your eyes are watery; your throat is sore;
you are coughing and sneezing constantly; you are shivering.
2- When people have the flu, they can have a high
fever and severe muscle aches and pains. The flu can cause
pneumonia and kill its victims. There are vaccines for the flu but
not for colds.

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