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حل كتاب Mega Goal 1 نظام المسارات Mega Goal 1 Work book


Mega Goal 1 Work book
What can you remember about Hans and Samir on page 11? Use the list below to make
true sentences. Use the simple past, present perfect simple, and simple present tense
Past Progressive + When + Simple Past Tense
Use when to indicate that a longer, continuous action is interrupted by a shorter one.
Hans was walking to college when he saw Samir.
Note: We do not usually use the progressive with verbs like the following: like, love, want, see, smell, taste, hear
كتاب النشاط الفصل الدراسي الاول Mega Goal
مواد الصف الاول الثانوي الفصل الدراسي الاول
اول ثانوي قسم المقررات
مذكرات شرح واسئلة ومراجعات فى اجابات على اسئلة الدروس

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